General Meetings

Development of the Extraordinary General Meeting

Resolutions adopted by the General Shareholders' Meeting

General Information

Information on the communication channels between the Company and the shareholders.
Operating rules of the Electronic Shareholders Forum.
Means and procedures for exercising voting rights and representation by remote means of communication
Model of attendance card, proxy and remote voting

Information regarding the call to the meeting

Oir relation to the Call for the Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting
Announcement of the call for the General Meeting
Proposed resolutions
Total number of shares and voting rights of the date of the call
Instruction to attend and vote at the General Meeting by electronic means

Documentation available to shareholders

Report of the Board of Directors in relation to the proposed capital increase with a charge to monetary contributions and non-monetary contributions consisting of a series of residential and office properties owned by Criteria Caixa, S.A.U. and certain su
Report of the independent expert appointed by the Commercial Registry in relation to the capital increase charged to monetary contributions and non-monetary contributions consisting of a series of residential and office properties owned by Criteria Caixa,
Report of the independent expert appointed by the Commercial Registry in relation to the capital increase charged to monetary contributions and non-monetary contributions consisting of a series of residential and office properties owned by Criteria Caixa,
Justifying report from the Board of Directors in which the competence, experience and merits of the candidates whose appointment is proposed are assessed.
Report of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee on the proposals for the appointment of Directors.
Information on the Directors whose appointment is subject to approval by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Board Rules approved June 30, 2020
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