Prospectus Takeover bids Axiare
Announcement Takeover bids Axiare
REGULATORY ANNOUNCEMENT_ TAKEOVER BID AXIARE 24/11/2017 Colonial has presented today the request for authorization of the public offer to acquire shares on all of the shares of Axiare Patrimonio SOCIMI, S.A.
28/12/2017 Colonial informs that the CNMV has authorized the takeover bid for the shares of Axiare Patrimonio SOCIMI, S.A.
29/12/2017 Colonial informs that the CNMV has informed of the acceptance period for the takeover bid of Axiare Patrimonio SOCIMI, S.A.
29/12/2017 Presentation regarding the takeover bid for the shares of Axiare Patrimonio SOCIMI, S.A. launched by Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI, S.A.
02/02/2018 Result Takeover bid Axiare