Rental market - offices

Barcelona – Rental Market

In the Barcelona market, the take-up grew +45% compared to the same period of the previous year, exceeding 160,000 sqm signed, led by various demands for surface areas larger than 5,000 sqm. The availability of offices in the city centre was 6.3% and 2.1% for Grade A buildings. In the first half of 2024, prime rents increased to €29/sqm/month (€28.50/sqm/month at December 2023).


Madrid– Rental Market

The demand in the Madrid offices market reached 249,000 sqm in the first half of 2024, representing a year-on-year increase of +18%. These transactions demonstrate the clear polarization of rent and occupancy between Grade A buildings and outdated buildings. The total market vacancy rate reached 11.5%, while the vacancy rate in the CBD decreased to 3.9%. The scarcity of available space has increased prime rents to €42.25/sqm/month (€40/sqm/month at December 2023).


Paris – Rental Market

Take-up in Paris reached 853,300 sqm, in the first half of 2024. The CBD and City Centre represented approximately 50% of the demand, reaching 429,000 sqm. The vacancy rate in the CBD remained low at 2.5%, with Grade A asset availability at 0.4%. Prime rents for the best buildings in the CBD continue at €1,100/sqm/year. 


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