Colonial at a glance

An unparalleled Prime Office Platform

Group Key Portfolio Metrics

Group GAV 12/2024 €11,46 €m
# of assets 53 Spain 17 France
Total Surface 

1,627,972 sq m

Total EPRA Vacancy   5%

Capital Structure Metrics

Market Capitalization(2) €3,21 bm
Recurring earnings Dec.-24 €193 m
Net Tangible Assets (NAV) 06/2024 (€/share) 9.62 €/share 
Group LTV(3) 36%
Investment Grade Rating BBB+ Stable by S&P
Baa1 by Moody's

Business Mix

GAV del grupo

Colonial's strategy has clearly decided by the office market, assuming 96% of its total business.

Offices percentage

The business model is located development, rehabilitation and operation of high quality offices in prime locations, mainly the CBD (Central Business District).

City center

The Colonial Group aims to work on improving energy efficiency based on energy certification processes in order to implement continuous improvement processes in buildings.

energy certification

A pan-European strategy diversified markets offices in Barcelona, Madrid and Paris.

Strong eurpean cities



  1. EPRA vacancy:financial vacancy according to the calculation recommended by EPRA (1-[Vacant floorspace multiplied by the market rent/operational floorspace at market rent])
  2. At December 31, 2024
  3. Net debt Group /GAV Group
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