Legal notice and privacy policy

1. Pursuant to Article 10 of Law 34/2002 of 11 July on E-commerce and Information Society Services (“LSSICE”), below are the identification details of Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI, S.A. (hereinafter “Colonial”), the owner of the domain

Company Name: Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI, S.A.
Registered office: Castellana 52, 28046, Madrid 
Contact Information: Avenida Diagonal 532, 08006, Barcelona; Telephone: 93 404 79 00; E-mail:
Registry Information: Listed in the Madrid Commercial Registry in Volume 36660, Sheet 87, Page M-30822, Entry 276.
Tax number: A28027399

2. USERS: Any person who accesses or uses this portal will be considered a USER and in doing so will accept the General Conditions of Use set out herein. Said Conditions shall be applicable notwithstanding any General Contracting Conditions that may be mandatory. 

3. USE OF THE PORTAL: provides access to a large amount of information, services, programmes or data (hereinafter “the contents”) on the Internet which are owned by Colonial or third parties. The USER takes responsibility for their use of the portal. This responsibility extends to any registration necessary to gain access to certain services or contents on the portal. For such registration, the USER shall be responsible for providing true and lawful information. As a consequence of registration, the USER may be provided with a password for which he/she shall be responsible, and undertakes to make diligent and confidential use of it.

The USER undertakes to make proper use of the contents and services (such as, for example, discussion forums and communication channels) offered by Colonial via its portal and to refrain from the following actions, including but not limited to: (i) indulge in unlawful or illegal activities or activities contrary to good faith and law and order; (ii) post contents or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic or pornographic-illegal nature, or that supports terrorism or violates human rights; (iii) cause damages to Colonial’s hardware or software, or that of its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other hardware or software in the network that may cause the aforementioned damages; (iv) attempt to access and, as the case may be, use the e-mail accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages.

Colonial reserves the right to withdraw any comments and contributions that violate the respect for human dignity, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, or constitute attacks on youth or infancy, law and order or public safety or that, in its opinion, are not suitable for posting. Colonial shall not in any case be responsible for the opinions expressed by users by means of the forums or other participatory tools. 


Any personal data we obtain shall be processed by Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI, S.A., whose contact details are:

Company Name: Inmobiliaria Colonial SOCIMI S.A.
Address: Paseo de la Castellana, 52, 28046 – Madrid
Telephone: +34 93 404 79 00

Your personal data will be processed to help us respond to any queries you may submit through the forms provided for this purpose. We will also process the data -if you request it or authorise it through our cookies- to adjust the website to your needs and to inform you and send you communications, by email or any other means, concerning our company, including information on various corporate events within the Colonial Group. Consequently, the legal basis for processing the data is your consent.

Furthermore, if you send us your CV, we will process your data as part of the relevant recruitment process. In this case, the legal basis will be the need to apply pre-contract measures at the interested party’s request or to conclude a contract.

Personal data shall only be processed for as long as they are necessary, useful and relevant. In this regard, once the relationship comes to an end or the interested party exercises his/her right to erasure, we will continue to keep the data for the sole purposes of meeting any legal obligations that may be applicable as long as legally required to do so. The data will only be disclosed to third parties by legal requirement or to companies whose involvement is necessary for the purposes described above.

You may also exercise your rights, as set forth in the current legislation, to access, rectify or erase the data, and you may also request restrictions on the processing of your personal data, object to it, withdraw the consent granted, or request its portability by writing to the postal address provided above or by e-mailing In any case, you are entitled to file a claim before the Spanish Data Protection Agency.

5. INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: All contents of the Colonial website, including but not limited to, texts, documents, photographs, drawings, images, icons, graphic representations, audiovisual or sound contents, graphic design and source codes, trademarks, trade names or other distinctive marks, are exclusively owned by Colonial or third parties, and are protected by Industrial and Intellectual Property Laws, unless specified otherwise. 

Pursuant to the above, the user must comply with all intellectual and industrial property rights on the Colonial website that are owned by Colonial or third parties, and any means of exploitation, copy, distribution, modification, public communication, assignment or transformation or any other means of disclosure of the information or contents on the Colonial website referred to in this section, on any support or media, are expressly forbidden without express consent from its respective owners. The contents of this website may be displayed, printed, copied and stored on the hard disk of your computer or on any other physical storage device, provided this is solely and exclusively for your own personal and private use, and not for any commercial purposes.

Breach of any of the aforementioned rights may constitute a violation of these conditions, of Industrial and Intellectual Property laws, and a punishable offense in accordance with Articles 270 and the following articles in the Spanish Criminal Code. 

6. DISCLAIMER: Colonial will not guarantee uninterrupted access, or correct display, downloading or usefulness of the items and information on the Colonial website, as these may be impeded, hindered or interrupted by factors or circumstances beyond its control. 
Colonial will not be held responsible for information and other contents on the spaces or websites of third parties that are accessible from the Colonial portal via links to, or for information and contents of any third-party websites that are displayed with the appearance or distinctive marks of Colonial. 

Colonial will not be held responsible for any contents that are accessed via the Colonial website but are provided by third parties or entities, particularly in respect of any damages of any kind relating to them that may be caused by: (i) an absence of or deficiencies in the information provided for users, or in respect of its veracity, accuracy and sufficiency; (ii) non-compliance or faulty or untimely compliance of contracts or precontractual relations; (iii) non-compliance with the obligations of information society service providers; (iv) violation of the rights of consumers and users; (v) violation of intellectual and industrial property rights; perpetration of acts of unfair competition or unlawful publicity; (vi) violation of data protection rights; of professional secrecy and the right to honour, to personal and family privacy and image rights; and (vii) in general, non-compliance with any laws, customs or codes of conduct that may be applicable. 

Colonial will not be held responsible for damages, loss, claims or costs arising from: (i) interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, faulty telephone lines, delays, blockages or disconnections in the functioning of the electronic system, brought on by deficiencies, overloading and errors on telecommunication networks and lines, or for any other reason beyond Colonial’s control; (ii) unlawful invasions through the use of malware programmes of any type and via any communication media, such as computer viruses or any other means; (iii) unwarranted or improper use of the Colonial website; (iv) security or browsing errors arising from browser malfunctioning or from the use of a non-updated browser. 
The USER of the Colonial portal will in any case be responsible for damages of any kind that may be incurred by Colonial resulting form a breach of the USER’s obligations herein, or any specific conditions that may apply to him/her. 

7. SECURITY POLICY: Links may not be created to the Colonial website from third-party websites without Colonial’s express authorisation in writing. 
Access to the portal does not oblige Colonial to verify the absence of viruses, or any other malware. In any event, the USER will make sure that he/she has the tools required to detect and erase malware.
Colonial will not be held responsible for damages caused to the computer equipment owned by users or third parties during the provision of the portal service. 

8. MODIFICATIONS: Colonial reserves the right, with no prior notice, to carry out any modifications it deems appropriate on its portal, and may change, remove or add both the contents and services provided via the portal, and also the way in which these are presented or located on its portal. 

9. RIGHT OF EXCLUSION: Colonial reserves the right to restrict access to the portal and/or the services offered without notice, on its own initiative or on that of a third party, to users who do not adhere to these General Conditions of Use, and any subsequent modifications thereof. 

10. GENERAL: Colonial shall take action in connection with the breach of these conditions, and with any improper use of its portal, availing itself of any civil and criminal proceedings to which it may be entitled to by law.

11. MODIFICATION OF THESE CONDITIONS AND TERM: Colonial may modify the conditions herein at any time and these will be duly published as they appear here. The term of these conditions will depend on their exhibition, and will be valid until they are modified by other duly published conditions. 

12. LAWS APPLICABLE AND JURISDICTION: For the purposes of settling any conflicts that may arise from accessing the website, the USER and Colonial agree to expressly abide by the Spanish regulations in force and by the courts of the city of Barcelona, waiving any general or special rights to which they may be entitled. 

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