The use of Big Data in the market of office buildings

Big Data technology is based on the analysis of data that users generate when they use the Internet. These data can be processed and then translated into useful information for our business strategy, and it can be applied to any business area: from retail to finance, through the real state sector, among others.

The use of Big Data in this sector is within what is known as Proptech ─technology implementation in the real estate sector─ and it can be widely applied. New creation companies are currently using massive data analysis to market spaces; this it allows them to learn, among other things, which are the most successful areas, which are more demanded ones, the real tax value of a space or the purchasing power of a potential buyer.

Big Data application into the letting of office buildings

When creating and marketing workspaces in office buildings, Big Data is extremely useful. Thanks to this technology, companies’ needs can be learned beforehand to conceive, project and design offices that match with 21st century firms.

To this respect, Big Data show that tech companies or startups will rather settle in invisible architecture headquarters, which are sustainable workplaces that foster creativity and productivity thanks to the use of open spaces. New construction buildings that follow that trend are, for instance, The Window Building and Discovery Building.

Another of the applications of Big Data in the marketing of letting offices is to learn which areas are the most demanded and what kind of services are the most desired. For that matter, prime areas in cities like Barcelona and Madrid still are the most requested, as they are well-served by public transport and road networks and provided with lots of services. Through Big Data, it also comes through that there is a growing number of companies that wish for offices with green areas and natural spaces; or firms that need to settle in collaborative or coworking offices, like the ones Utopicus will open in the office buildings The Window in Madrid, or Ciutat de Granada in Barcelona.

Colonial is a real estate company that is ahead of the sector’s trends: prove of that is its bid for Utopicus, company participated in 2017, or the recently closed agreement with the North American multinational Metaprop.

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