The Reputational Value of Environmental Certifications in Office Buildings

The conservation of the planet is a responsibility that falls upon all individual, companies, and institutions worldwide. Protecting it, through a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, environmental pollution, and resource consumption, maintains the balance of habitats and mitigates the consequences of climate change. It is a collective task because it affects everyone. However, this is not the only reason to pursue sustainability within organizations: while it is the most important, genuine commitment, there is another reason, the increase in reputational value, which is worth considering. Certifications play a key role in this regard.


Visibility of the Fight Against Global Warming

The confirmation of global warming by the scientific community, government efforts, and activist movements have brought about a real revolution in the level of environmental awareness among the population. Society has understood that the situation must be addressed with commitment. That human activity must be guided by concern for its impact on the planet. In this sense, consumers no longer tolerate products or services that threaten environmental stability in the same way. Across all age segments, from the youngest to seniors, there is a desire to engage in responsible consumption.

Hence the importance of environmental certifications such as LEED or BREEAM, which adorn many of our buildings. They send consumers a clear message: we operate in an office complex built with a bioclimatic approach, using eco-friendly materials, and functioning with a reduced energy footprint. In other words, we comply with sustainability standards because we care about the same things you do. In today's times, where consumers are clear about their principles, certificates of this kind can make a difference in their brand choice. It is one of the reasons for the high occupancy of our assets by businesses.


Strengthening Internal Loyalty to the Company

The wave of environmental awareness affects all social strata. Just as consumers prioritize companies that genuinely care about the ecological footprint of their activities, professionals also generally prefer to work for companies with a high level of environmental commitment. They are more aligned with their values. It makes them feel like better individuals. It eliminates internal moral conflict. That's why it is much more likely that they will choose to stay in the organization or, if they do not belong to it, that they will decide to apply for a position within it. Environmental certifications are a factor in attracting and retaining professional talent.

Certifications that are evidently challenging to obtain. After all, they are only awarded to buildings that meet rigorous sustainability requirements. At Colonial, where we follow a completely ecological policy of acquisition, construction, and rehabilitation, we have a catalog of assets with an almost absolute percentage of certifications. Some recent ones, such as Madnum in Madrid or Wittywood in Barcelona, are in the process of obtaining their certifications. But it's only a matter of time since they are entirely sustainable buildings. They are references within the national green office park.


An Added Value for Any Organization Environmental certifications demonstrate the green nature of offices, and as we have seen, they enhance the organization's value both internally and externally. Companies need to showcase their sustainability. There is no alternative in a context where, fortunately for everyone, every move is closely scrutinized from the perspective of its impact on the planet. Thus, the occupancy of green buildings like those owned by Colonial is the first step in a policy that must encompass much more. In the hidden, unseen aspects, companies must also be environmentally conscious. But certifications are an introduction, a categorical one.

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