Offices with a terrace: a preference rather than a perk

The traditional offices with cubicles and gray walls have been left behind. Currently, new and innovative construction models focused on user comfort have been emerging and gaining strength in the sector.

Not only are technical elements such as square meters or number of floors important, but characteristics such as decoration, sustainability, or location are increasingly present and have a greater weight when choosing an office. 

For example, one of the key factors that directly influence the search for a new workplace, even if we do not take it into consideration, is light since it directly affects our well-being.

Sunlight has the ability to modulate people's moods. A curious fact is that Madrid is the European capital with the most hours of sunshine per year, and its inhabitants have created a lifestyle around this factor. 

Creativity and productivity

Being outdoors has a refreshing effect on our brain and helps us improve our attention span—acts as simple as breathing fresh air or feeling the sunlight help reduce stress and regain one's energy.

Having a space at the service of the people who work in the building helps foster creativity and generate new ideas. Terraces such as those of our assets 86d Velázquez or Ortega y Gasset 100 are ideal sites to create synergies between employees from other departments and even clients. Offering an area like this one is a way to make users feel valued and appreciate their workplace.

In addition, betting on a property that has spaces designed by and for users has a positive impact on the corporate image, showing that the company cares about the well-being of its workers. 

Commitment to the planet

An interesting point to keep in mind is that terraces and roofs can also reflect one's commitment to the environment. The Miguel Ángel 23 office building is a clear example of how natural elements, together with applied technology, have turned this asset into one that respects the planet.

In the roof area, glass pergolas with photovoltaic panels have been installed as an energy solution to reduce energy consumption to almost zero.

With all this, we affirm that in the sector, there is a clear trend not only for properties that are committed to sustainability but also for buildings equipped with rooftop spaces for users that directly impact the process of choosing an office. 

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