The office building The Window, pre-let at 80% one month before its opening

The Window Building, the new Prime Factory building of Colonial in Madrid, is about to hang the “No vacancy” sing one month before its opening. The iconic building located in Principe de Vergara street has already been pre-let at a 80% rate by companies such as the Digital Advertising firm Fibonad, the banking institution Novo Banco or Utopicus, reference brand in the Spanish market sector of coworking spaces.

Features like its privileged location ─with excellent access to public transportation and close to the M-30─, its value-added services, its attractive design and the high space take-up rate increase the interest of the letting market.

The building, designed by the renowned architectural studio Ortiz y León, has been projected to obtain the top environment certificate LEED GOLD, that vouches for its energy savings capacity and its sustainability. The building also incorporates the new concept of “home office”, created after a comparative study between working at home or at an office.

The office building The Window has 8 floors, with a floor area of approximately 1,550 sq m. Since its conceptualization, The Window has been conceived to become an iconic building that stands out for its optimal lighting, its garden terraces on different floors and the use of avant-garde materials.

An innovative building that includes the services of coworking spaces

In addition, thanks to the presence of the reference coworking company Utopicus ─that will occupy three floors of the building─, The Window has become the first office building in Madrid that allows to their tenants to benefit from the valued-added services of coworking spaces: continuous programming of workshops, available bicycles’ parking or yoga sessions, among other innovative services, are available to all the building users. A new workplace concept that intends to contribute to the digital and cultural transformation of companies. These spaces foster creativity and are focused on people and their quality of life at work as a way to promote collaboration and productivity.

In the almost 4,000 sq m occupied by Utopicus and designed by Madrid in Love ─with capacity for up to 580 coworkers─, will coexist several companies’ communities that will benefit from spacious common areas, meeting rooms and training rooms where users could create synergies and collaborations. This space also has sunken courtyards and a large garden area to work or rest.

Colonial, office leader in the M-30 area

The big success gathered by The Window building in the letting market reinforces Colonial’s successful strategy in Madrid’s ‘Prime Factory’ market: Colonial has become the leader in the development of offices within the M-30 area. According to 2018’s first term data, Colonial has an office portfolio of more than 300.000 sq m above ground level in Madrid’s CBD area. Besides, its portfolio includes more than 200.000 sq m above ground level of different projects and areas in renovation or of new construction, which have a great potential for creating value in short and long term. One of these valuable assets is Méndez Álvaro new project, Colonial’s commitment with the South area of Madrid’s CBD.

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