Illacuna: the epitome of sustainable and intelligent real estate design in Barcelona

The world is changing. The era in which humans design buildings without giving due consideration to the environment is coming to an end. A new, much more intelligent and environmentally conscious standard of real estate design is gradually taking hold. And not because it is inevitable but because there are forces driving it. One example of this is our Illacuna office building located in Barcelona's 22@ district and opened in the summer of 2010, becoming a landmark of real estate environmentalism long before it would become a trend.

Technologies for sustainable infrastructures

Technological innovation cannot be amoral. Nor can its application. Especially in the real estate industry, in which there is an environmental impact not only upon construction but throughout the entire useful life of the buildings. It is essential to take advantage of technological developments to reduce energy consumption in offices, as well as the emission of greenhouse gases. And that is exactly what we have done with Illacuna. Thanks to its Building Management System, Illacuna has been able to cut the use of electric power in half.

Carbon dioxide emissions, which are mainly responsible for the greenhouse effect and therefore global warming, have also been reduced by half because of the building's own technological infrastructure. This includes automatic vacuum waste collection systems, smart cold and hot water distribution via the Districlima urban network, the installation of solar panels that generate about 36,000 kilowatt/hour per year, and energy management systems. All of this has earned Illacuna the Very Good rating in Breeam Part I and Outstanding in Breeam Part II.

Sustainability that Impacts Personal Wellbeing

For the vast majority of executives or employees, working at an environmentally responsible company in sustainable business offices is very satisfying from a conceptual point of view. However, Illacuna’s energy efficiency and environmental approach impacts personal wellbeing much more directly. One obvious example of this is the large amount of natural light that enters the building thanks to its meticulous design. Light impacts the emotional quality of the space. Even more so when considering the open plan, which increases the sensation of freshness and freedom.

Yet another benefit of Illacuna is that it provides its users with a pleasant sensation of vitality, which is very useful in environments of knowledge and creativity, as it stimulates cognitive function. This is achieved through a state-of-the art office design that plays with shapes, levels and layout. It consists of 20.451 remarkably stimulating square meters. And it still maintains its corporate touch, characterized by the use of elegant materials and by the overall impression of the building, which is definitely imposing, towering over high-tech innovation district 22@.

An office building as versatile as its environment

Illacuna is highly adaptable for companies. It has both open-plan as well as floors with personalized modular offices available. It all depends on the specific needs of each company. The building also has a wide range of services available to all companies, regardless of the type of lease: custodian services, changing rooms, snack corner, lunch area, 24-hour surveillance, Citibox smart lockers, electric vehicle charger and parking, among many others. A variety of spaces and capabilities that fit perfectly into the district's ecosystem.

After all, Illacuna is located in a high quality urban area. There are innovative companies and other organizations in the area, along with their facilities, homes and green zones, which meet the biophilic needs of users. Nature boosts the spirit and ignites the talent of individuals and the community. Moreover, an efficient transportation network connects the district to different points in the city, as well as El Prat Airport, making it easy for employees to reach Illacuna. An opportunity

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