How to attract talent thanks to your office

Personnel and offices are two fundamental aspects that characterise and differentiate a company. The employees and the space in which they work are what give value added to any entity that wants to differentiate itself in its sector.

This reality has become a philosophy of success in all innovative companies; offices are seen as a bigger element in human resources policies according to the Spanish newspaper, Cinco Días.

José Mittelbrum, National Director in Spain for the office agency, CBRE, stated in an interview for Cinco Días that “the employee working in a new office, with improved spaces and technology, reinforces their loyalty to the company. And from the outside, future candidates are attracted to being able to aspire to develop their professional careers in recently refurbished or reformed offices”. Nowadays, this is undoubtedly one of the most effective weapons in attracting, and above all retaining, talent.


There are three characteristics in an office that favour the opinion of employees regarding their workplace:

  • Energy certification: When an office is endorsed by a sustainability certificate, employees feel a greater bond with the company. This certificate is seen as a company concern for the space offered to its workers, and they are grateful for it.
  • The distribution of space: Offering spacious areas brings greater flexibility and adaptation according to the needs of each employee.
  • Location: Offering offices in well-linked and expanding areas reassures employees, optimising commute times offers a company’s workers improved quality of life.

Colonial’s value added strategy reinforces these essential aspects and highlights the competitiveness of the company's real estate portfolio in the property sector.

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