Feng Shui design applied to offices

Surely you have heard of Feng Shui. It is an ancient Chinese philosophical system of Taoist origin, based on the conscious and harmonious occupation of space, which aims to achieve a positive influence on the people who occupy it. For several years, this system has been applied to the organization and design of offices in order to improve not only the well-being, but also the concentration and productivity of its users.

Implementing Feng Shui in the different spaces of an office is not complicated, you just have to apply as many as possible of the following steps:

The arrangement of furniture

It is important to pay special attention to the arrangement of the furniture since, according to this theory, it should allow people and positive energy to circulate freely. Some of the recommendations to consider are that the desk should be facing the door and the front area should be clear in order to have good visibility. On the other hand, having a wall or cabinet behind us increases the feeling of control and confidence. We should avoid having a door or a window behind us to avoid negative energies. We can do this by, for example, hanging up some curtains.

The most suitable furniture

Body position is fundamental to achieve good concentration and be more productive. For this reason, we must choose an ergonomic seat with a good backrest.

The shape of the desk is also an aspect to consider. Rectangular tables are ideal for open spaces and boosting communication. A round table is highly recommended for a meeting room where creative ideas are generated. Finally, curved shapes encourage concentration, since energy flows into the person sitting at the desk. On the other hand, the size of the table must be adequate in comparison with the available space, that is to say, if we choose one that is too small, we will not work comfortably. On the contrary, if it is too big, it will cause us not to have things easily at hand and will make us lose organization and confidence. As for materials, the most suitable is wood, which transmits stability and confidence. Glass provides mental agility, so it is important to combine both materials. The least recommended is metal, as it conducts electricity and exposes us to negative energies.

Organizing the workspace

Keeping the desk tidy and clean is essential. Papers with pending tasks or objects that may divert our attention should be out of sight to avoid being distracted. When a space is tidy, we are more attentive and have a better workflow, even when meeting with colleagues.

Colors that generate positive energy

Feng Shui has a positive effect on people, which is why colors are so important. We must consider which ones generate nervousness and which ones help to create calm and harmonious spaces.

  • White: Increases mental activity, therefore, concentration.
  • Neutral tones, grays and beiges: Transmit serenity, stability and confidence.
  • Blue: Helps to connect with one´s emotions.
  • Green: Favors creativity and the development of new ideas.

Warm and vibrant tones such as yellows, oranges or earth tones bring dynamism and boost communication.

Do you wish to try this technique in your workspace? With the tips we have given you, you can do so by making only small changes.

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