The benefits of listening to music at work

Although it is common to think of music as a distraction or something separate to work, various studies have shown the opposite to be true.  Music, as well as a good working environment, influences the well-being of employees and increases productivity.

The study ‘The effect of music listening on work performance’ by the researcher Teresa Lesiuk from the University of Windsor in Canada found that people who listen to music finish tasks quicker.  According to Lesiuk, not everyone reacts in the same way to music: there are cases in which it can end up having a negative effect. Some people, for instance, are not more productive in environments in which music is playing.

Furthermore, we know that not all jobs are the same and you cannot apply the same music to all employees.  The study concludes that associating work with something pleasurable, such as music, transforms an activity that could be regarded as tedious or mechanical into a more enjoyable task.

The benefits of working with background music

Music has an effect on those who listen to it, on a psychological, emotional and physical level, and releases dopamine into the brain. Dopamine is the hormone responsible for controlling mood and is able to process different feelings, ranging from happiness, euphoria, relaxation and excitement to less positive ones such as sadness, terror, anguish and pain.  

Therefore, listening to music at work provides the following benefits:

  • Reduces stress by eliminating irritating sounds such as the voices of other people or other typical office sounds such as printers, typing noise, telephones, etc.
  • Encourages creativity:  music improves cognition, learning and memory and thus encourages the development of more innovative and creative ideas.
  • Boosts the mood and motivation of employees.
  • Improves heart rate: when we undertake activities that generate a lot of stress, listening to low-tempo instrumental music helps to normalize heart rate.
  • Strengthens personal relationships:  studies have shown that listening to soft music in the office helps to strengthen professional bonds.

In short, music is an essential tool not only to make the office environment more pleasant but also to support and motivate employees in their day-to-day work.

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