Art in Utopicus: a boost to human well-being through the creative lens

The human-centric approach that characterizes Utopicus and Colonial is evident in every aspect of their workspaces. From architectural design, which maximizes the entry of natural light, to the integration of plants, which satisfies the biophilic instinct of employees, every detail is designed to create a welcoming, motivating, and pleasant environment for people's daily lives. And art also plays a significant role in this.

Because art has the power to influence emotional and mental well-being, to stimulate creativity, and to offer new perspectives from which to think about challenges and their possible solutions from very different angles. For all these reasons, Utopicus encompasses its collection under the name Utopicus Art: a collection of works by emerging artists that integrate the spaces it manages, transforming every corner into a constant source of inspiration and reflection.

The Utopicus art collection

However, the human-centric approach is not the only motivation behind Utopicus's art collection: there is also the company's inherent drive to generate social transformation through creativity and culture. This drive clearly explains the selection of works that make up Utopicus Art, all of them being distinctly contemporary works intended to convey a unique emotional vision of the current world. Because it is these alternative visions that complete the puzzle and challenge the hegemonic discourse.

Additionally, there is a clear commitment to providing visibility and support to young artists whose works stand out for their innovation, courage, and originality. Thus, the chosen works share a common spirit: that of creatively and experimentally addressing themes such as the relationship between humans, nature, society, and technology through various media, including sculpture, photography, painting, video, installations, digital art, sound art, or performance. Extreme exploration pulses throughout the entire collection.

Some artists in Utopicus Ar


Daniel Pujalte is a photographer with a very anthropological perspective: human beings occupy much of the focus in his works, serving to show us a world as rich as it is diverse. But he also uses nature itself as a leitmotif in many of his sessions: some of his snapshots hanging on the walls of Utopicus spaces represent a clear attempt to take the pulse of the ocean, the beach, or the symbiosis between natural and urban elements. It is decidedly a biophilic work.

This aspiration is shared with Miguel Ángel Tornero, whose photos of intertwined vegetation and modernity accompany regular users and occasional visitors to some spaces managed by the company. Meanwhile, the work of Argentine artist Franco Fasoli is an animated and at times fantastical reconstruction of the most everyday reality, the result of a creative vision of a world common to all. His forms, his colors, his sparks of wit, activate the imagination of the people around them.

And we cannot fail to mention the Valencian artist Lucia C. Pino, whose sculptures are characterized by a very particular play of structures and relationships between objects. The kind that invites lateral thinking. The kind that enhances alternative creative reasoning and fosters the most innovative side of people. Because it is there. Always. Waiting as potential. And surrounding it with the groundbreaking art of minds like Pino, Fasoli, Tornero, or Pujalte is, among other things, a strategy to release it.

Finally, it is worth highlighting the inclusion in Utopicus Art of a unique visual artist such as Cristina Garrido. Specifically, her work El color local es un invento extranjero, a set of pictorial representations of the Parisian sky from the 16th century to the present day, whose thesis is clear: the color attributed to cities draws heavily from that used by the great artists in history when painting them. In this case, geniuses like Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, or Vincent van Gogh. Another radically unique proposal for a unique collection.

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