Yoga at the office to fight stress

Are you suffering from exhaustion, nervousness, stress…? It is proven that work environment can produce all those effects: not learning to manage what we feel in an effective way directly affects our individual production capacity and, by extension, the production capacity of the company we work for.

Long working days at the office can be exhausting both for the body and the mind. For that matter, how can a company prevent their employees’ dejection and protect its production cycle in an efficient way? A company can look out for their employees’ wellness, for instance. To create healthy environments, to provide spaces meant to encourage the workers rest or to offer them wellness programmes are a good way to attract and retain talent and to increase productivity.

Within these wellness programmes, one option that is currently applied in many offices is the organization of yoga sessions. Yoga is an Indian millenary discipline that, through breathing, mainly, helps to cultivate body and mind. Yoga offers techniques to learn to listen to our body with the aim of early detect, manage and satisfactorily solve stress situations at the very moment that they happen, thus avoiding to go further and harm the employee in a more serious way.

To foster employees’ physical and mental health is crucial to guarantee a great productivity. This is why it is increasingly common to come across companies that include yoga sessions in their wellness programmes. To practice yoga in the office ten minutes a day does not represent a large expense to the company and, in compensation, it can obtain an important return of investment related to employees’ performance.

Utopicus, Colonial’s investee company since 2017, offers in all its coworking spaces a complete mindfulness and yoga programmes, among other services. Its yoga programme, run by certified professionals, lasts nine weeks and it is open to all coworking spaces users. Spain’s reference company in coworking will open collaborative spaces in the office buildings Ciutat de Granada in Barcelona and The Window Building in Madrid.

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