Tucumán: a cutting-edge office building

Societies evolve. Their circumstances. Their needs. Their values. All of this is in constant change, and sometimes, radical adaptive solutions are required to keep up. That is precisely the premise underlying Tucumán, an office building that, although born in 2006, was recently rehabilitated to adapt to the new circumstances, needs, and values of this social context in general and contemporary companies in particular. A unique and singular property with a series of essential characteristics in this point of the 21st century. 

Functional versatility 

The office of a large company requires two fundamental ingredients regarding space: spaciousness and flexibility in its configuration. In that sense, Tucumán features five office floors of approximately 1,000 square meters each, as well as a large commercial area of 1,241 square meters, all of them open spaces with modular elements that allow occupants to readjust them according to the needs of each moment. This physical versatility inspires functional and cultural versatility, the key factor in the survival, competitiveness, and success of companies today.

Human centric design

One of the main added values ​​of Colonial buildings, and Tucumán is no exception, is that their designs are oriented towards emotional satisfaction and the general well-being of people. In this particular case, such as human-centric approach can be found in the great visibility provided by its status as a standalone building, allowing workers to feel connected with the world and enjoy a vast amount of natural light. Also, in its spacious terraces offering 360º views of Madrid city, the presence of a significant green collaborative area, and the universal accessibility it offers.

Environmental responsability 

The well-being of people matters, but so does that of this planet we all share: current buildings cannot afford to waste energy resources and pollute more than necessary. Neither in their rehabilitation phase nor in their operational phase. And Tucumán rises to the challenge. Specifically, it has an A energy efficiency rating, maintains a controlled carbon footprint through the use of recycled materials, uses LED lighting to reduce energy consumption, and possesses smart climate control systems and controlled consumption systems aimed at minimizing resource exploitation.

Alternative transport

Colonial's commitment to prioritizing people in design and caring for the planet also involves, to some extent, building or acquiring buildings that offer facilities for the use of alternative transportation. Thus, Tucumán is prepared for conventional transportation, with up to 170 parking spaces, but also for other forms of mobility such as bicycles and scooters: the lower part of the building has parking for both. Additionally, the car parking area is equipped with charging stations for electric vehicles. A clear statement of values.

Classic elegance

Tucumán is a modern office building that meets all the requirements that citizens and workers expect from companies: work awareness, environmental awareness, technological commitment, and flexibility that encourages interaction and joint creativity. However, and even with all these colorful components, it remains an elegant office building that inspires seriousness and professionalism. It is its most elemental essence: combining the best of the classic office with the best of contemporary, environmentally friendly, and humanly empathetic workspaces. The result? A unique opportunity for your company.

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