Take note of these apps to improve office productivity

Technology is an indispensable ally in the office. To a greater or lesser extent, making use of digital tools will allow us to take a step forward in the processes and thus improve personal productivity and that of the Company.

The applications that currently exist are infinite, so sometimes finding the most suitable is not easy. To help you in this task, we present an updated list of applications and tools with different functions each, but all with the aim of facilitating our daily work in our workplace.

Things 3 is a tool that allows us to manage our tasks, both in the short and long term. Therefore, it offers us a perfect vision to establish priorities at a glance and carry out the most urgent ones first.

Titanpad, Amara or Co-Ment allow the collaborative writing of the same document to be edited by different people and, in this way, enhance joint work regardless of the physical distance.

Trello It is an increasingly popular app that facilitates the organization of projects. You can also organize it by teams, to have a better control of it.

Rescue Time or Toggl are applications whose objective is to avoid distractions, through counting the time we spend, for example, in Instagram or Youtube. Sometimes, we are not aware of the minutes we are on them, and seeing the real time we will become more aware of these distractions.

The scanners are an element that has less and less presence in the offices, but that we sometimes need in a punctual way. If this is the case, perhaps the best solution is CamScanner, which allows us to scan documents and send them to us from our mobile or tablet.

Billing is not a minor issue at all. Fortunately, if we can't have an administrative department in our company, there are applications that will make these tasks easier for us. For example, with Factura Directa we can send quotes or delivery notes from our mobile device.

All of them are applications that add up in the daily tasks of an office and that allow us to work in a more agile way. However, it is important to have them always updated, in order to optimize their performance and ensure their proper functioning.

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