Success stories in the sustainable transformation of office buildings

The sustainable transformation of buildings began as a minority trend in a context of generalised indifference towards ecosystems, the climate and the planet in general. Gradually, with the efforts of companies committed to the environment and a change in the level of social awareness, this transformation has become increasingly relevant and has become one of the strongholds of the industry. However, although more and more buildings have sustainable features, there are certain cases where the positive impact has been particularly significant. Architectural works that represent the greatest commitment to the planet.

Kamppi Chapel, Helsinki

Kamppi Chapel, also known as the Chapel of Silence due to the fact that it was designed with the aim of becoming a space of tranquillity in the middle of one of the busiest areas of the Finnish capital, is one of the most paradigmatic examples of how a couple of architectural and design decisions can make a huge difference in terms of sustainability. In this case, it is the choice of wood as an integral building material, which has a much smaller carbon footprint than other common materials, and the pursuit of minimalism. It is an iconic building that represents the new architecture.

The Edge, Amsterdam

One of the most popular cases of green building transformation. So much so that it is often considered the most sustainable building in the world: it has an intelligent LED lighting system that operates according to natural light and movement, energy management technology, rainwater harvesting and reuse mechanisms, solar panels on the roof as energy sources and abundant vegetation spaces that meet the biophilic needs of the users. In addition, it was designed according to bioclimatic criteria, which means that its location, orientation, ventilation and many other factors respond to the climatic circumstances of the site.

One Angel Square, Manchester

Also in Europe, specifically in the English city of Manchester, we find another symbol of the sustainable transformation of buildings. It is One Angel Square, headquarters of The Co-operative, a building that boasts a fascinating triple-layer glass façade that takes thermal insulation to the next level. This, together with a maximum prioritisation of green technologies through micro-cogeneration gas turbines and photovoltaic panels installed on the roof, achieves an extraordinary reduction in carbon dioxide emissions from the operational phase of the building. It is a global benchmark in energy efficiency.

Pixel Building, Melbourne

Pixel Building, located in the Australian city of Melbourne, is a very peculiar construction known mainly for its aesthetics, which stands out in a sober architectural environment due to its geometries and colours. However, what is not so well known, and perhaps even more brilliant, is that Pixel is made from recycled materials, has a renewable energy system based on solar panels and wind turbines, and has a grey and black water treatment system for reuse. In other words, it is an office building that is completely oriented towards environmental sustainability from every possible angle.

The Crystal Tower, Dubai

Dubai, the most emblematic city in the United Arab Emirates, is characterised by technological and architectural innovation. A good example of this is The Crystal Tower, a building designed from start to finish with a bioclimatic perspective, which means that the special climatic conditions of the region have been taken into account in its construction. Among other things, it includes an array of solar panels integrated into its façade to take advantage of the high temperatures, as well as a seawater cooling system that reduces reliance on conventional cooling sources with a higher carbon footprint.

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