PropTech and its benefits in the real estate sector

For years we have been seeing how the real estate sector is changing with the help, in large part, of new technologies. The term PropTech (Property Technology), also called ReTech (Real Estate Technology), has been used to group the innovations and application of these technologies.

What fields are included?

The Spanish PropTech ecosystem is divided into different categories depending on the services offered and/or the technology operated. In each of these fields there are a variety of start-ups, all of which share the common goal of increasing profitability and offering better service to people. What are the different categories into which Proptech is divided?

  • Management: Asset management, Lease management, Community management and Maintenance management.
  • Investments/Mortgages: Financing, Crowdfunding and Crowdfunding (Marketplace).
  • Visuals: Interactive 3D Visualization and 3D Visuals.
  • Internet of Things: Corporate services, Security, Environmental control and Energy Management and Luminaire.
  • Big Data: Analysis and Research, Rating, Valuations and Appraisals and Geolocation.
  • Marketplace
  • P2P: Rental, Purchase and Sale.

Some of the most relevant PropTech

Kasaz is a buying and selling platform that aims to bring transparency to the real estate sector. With its intuitive design, the user is placed at the center of the search experience and gets diverse and verified information.

The real estate crowdfunding platform StockCrowd IN is a crowdfunding platform that connects companies with their communities and investors, so that they can finance their own projects.

Focusing more on the office sector, the WorkWell mobile application allows users to merge all of the services of a company and its facilities. For example, users can schedule meetings, book rooms, control the temperature of different spaces and even check the cafeteria menu.


Colonial has virtual tours of some of our real estate properties in order to make all of the spaces available to users. One example is the Discovery Building located on Paseo de la Castellana in Madrid. From the property's website, any user can enjoy a virtual tour of the pilot office. Another project we are carrying out is the possibility for users to virtually design the different spaces of the Ortega y Gasset building through CBRE's Plans option.

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