Occupational health in a 21st century office


All jobs, some more than others, have health risks and no one is safe, not even working in a office. Long working days with the same body position or distance between the eyes and the computer monitor can cause health problems that, with good habits and adequate prevention, could be remedied.

In general, we can classify musculoskeletal problems, as back, neck and eye problems, stress and migraines.

The first cause of work casualties are musculoskeletal problems, such as spondylitis or back and neck problems. Back pathology is considered as the great epidemic in the world of work, since in Spain it accounts for 85% of occupational ailments.

In many cases, these problems are caused by poor static posture and a lack of ergonomic adaptation of the workplace. Therefore, it is recommended to use ergonomic chairs to find the most comfortable angle in front of the computer, which should generally be 135o. In addition, the physical condition and improvement of the employee’s neck, dorsal and lumbar muscles are the best prevention for this type of injuries. 

Other problems caused by long working days in front of the computer are those related to vision, because the rate of blinking is reduced and a smaller amount of tear is generated, which increases eye dryness. Experts recommend that the distance between the computer screen and the eyes be between 50 and 70 centimetres, blink often, look away periodically and give your eyes a break every 20 minutes. In offices where there is a lot of dryness due to air conditioning, it is advisable to install some humidifiers.

It is also recommended to have periodic breaks throughout the working day. These should be brief and frequent (between 5 and 10 minutes every 50 or 60 minutes) in order to change body position and stretch your legs. In addition, rest periods will also be beneficial in preventing stress and migraines.

Another recommendation from the experts to maintain good health at work is related to an adequate work environment and the good mental state of the workers. Going outdoors from time to time to walk around and go out into the sun, planning the following day before you go home and avoiding excessive use of email, all help to reduce anxiety and forget worries when you are not in the office.

In Colonial we have a large portfolio of offices for rent in the prime areas of Barcelona, Madrid and Paris. Although the buildings maintain their original external structure, their interiors stand out for their versatility and adaptation to the daily needs of the companies.

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