Noise pollution and its effect on health

Noise, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) is the second biggest environmental problem in Europe, after particle pollution.

But not all noise can be considered noise pollution. In fact, the latter occurs when the sound is greater than 65 decibels (dB).

How does excessive noise affect health?

Although modern society is used to living with noise, this is a problem that in addition to causing distraction, hindering communication and interfering with the activity we are carrying out, has negative consequences on our health:

  •  Increases feelings of stress and fatigue
  •  Produces sleep disturbances
  • Causes headaches
  • Makes learning difficult by diminishing attention span, etc.
  • Increases blood pressure, heart rate

Where does the noise come from?

It is true that cities are the epicenter of noise pollution, but we must not forget that noise not only comes to us from the outside (air traffic, public works, cars, etc.) but there is also a part of noise that comes from inside buildings.

For example, in the case of offices, this can be caused by printers, keyboards, computers, mobiles, etc.

Measures against noise pollution

To address this problem, which is key to improving the well-being of users, at Colonial we equip all our buildings with the latest technological innovations and materials that isolate excess noise.

An emblematic example is Wittywood, a building built using wood as the only structural element, a material that is an optimal acoustic insulator.

Being a porous material, wood absorbs a good part of the sound vibrations that are trapped in its cavities. Its ability to absorb noise not only affects the acoustic level of a room, it can also positively affect the well-being of users, because it creates an environment that encourages concentration and creativity.

We also highlight another of our assets, Miguel Ángel 23, which has a facade made of wood panels and triple glazing. In addition, its low sound pressure installations guarantee acoustic comfort.

In the interior spaces of Miguel Ángel 23, the air conditioning system is by means of a cold beam, it lacks an engine and, therefore, the noise generated is minimal. While, on the outside, the equipment is encapsulated and totally closed by acoustic screens that prevent the transmission of noise.

Another example is Velázquez 86d, which has a double skin facade and has installations with low-noise equipment.

We know that excess noise directly influences the performance of workers, that's why we configure our office spaces so that noise cannot be transferred from one room to another, and we equip them with materials, furniture, etc. that create comfortable conditions in the office.

The importance of location and sustainable mobility

Traffic is the largest source of environmental noise to which the inhabitants of large cities are exposed. At Colonial, our assets have a central location and are connected to public transport, thus making it easier to avoid the need to use a private vehicle. In addition, they are equipped with parking for bicycles and scooters.

Although we are used to generating noise and living with all kinds of sound, it is important to be aware of the impact it has on our lives and adopt measures to help reduce it.

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