Miguel Ángel 23’s wood, traced with blockhain

Blockchain technology has burst into the business world revolutionizing the way companies operate. It is presented as a large database shared between different actors and decentralized, where all kinds of transactions are carried out and stored in a block structure.  

But, what advantages does this technology bring to the construction sector? 

Blockchain guarantees transparency and traceability, as it prevents data from being added, deleted, or manipulated in any way a posteriori. It also provides a guarantee of authenticity, because each operation that is part of the traceability report is digitally signed by each of the companies participating in the participating. 

Wood traced with blockhain 

An example of the application of this technology can be found in one of our assets, Miguel Ángel 23. For the construction of its facade we have used the Gradpanel Thermopine heat-treated wood, a material that has been traced in each phase through blockchain. 

Specifically, the traceability of the wood used begins at its origin, with the use authorized by the Xunta de Galicia. The consumer will have precise information on each of the pieces and on the transformations that have been carried out, from the cutting in assembly to the final product. In this way the maximum level of reliability is guaranteed.  

In addition, thanks to its proximity, it becomes wood used in a product at kilometer 0, whose carbon footprint is negative, therefore being a building with low emissions.

The cutting permit issued by the Xunta de Galicia to which the wood is linked also shows that it has been regenerated after its extraction and thus deforestation has been avoided. And finally, the PEFC and FSC certificates guarantee that sustainable forest management has been carried out.

In short, blockchain-based traceability applied to construction aims to provide exhaustive and efficient information that allows responsible purchasing decisions to be made, based on principles of respect for the environment, proximity trade, quality and guarantee of origin.

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