Metaverse: is it the new space for offices of the future?

The metaverse is a new concept that has hit the business news and has grown considerably in popularity. This concept has come about through the news that Facebook is changing its name to  'Metaverse'.

What is the metaverse?

It would be a replica of the real world in the virtual world. In this new place it is possible to interact with spaces, people and objects as we could do in real life thanks to virtual reality. Although a priori it may seem a concept mainly focused on online games, this idea aims to be a new way to carry out social activities, leisure, work and industrial development (for example, testing a product without the need to physically assemble it).

The reason behind this change is to take social relations a step further: including teamwork as a reality that goes beyond a chat or a video call.

A new virtual world in the office

Although it is difficult to imagine how this new technology will affect the workplace, it is possible to see a trend towards a change in work methodologies.

Thanks to the metaverse, there will be new formats and experiences for meetings and networking, which can help to connect people of the same company who are in different locations, start meetings with external employees (no travel will be included) or work on architecture or design projects as a team.

It also offers the possibility of creating a new office structure: spaces can be transformed into virtual rooms where employees can work in the metaverse (this technology requires a large amount of space and investment).

The future of work and what kind of work connections that can be established through this technology is uncertain, but the metaverse offers an immense range of possibilities.

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