Madnum, Spain's First Mixed-Use Campus

The City of Madrid is a leader. In every sense of the word. It is a city in which social changes are reflected much more quickly and with more energy than anywhere else in the country. A bold city. A diverse city. A transformative city. A city that is not afraid to reinvent itself. A city that has embraced biophilia like few of its European counterparts. A city that has unabashedly begun to blur the boundaries between professional and personal life. That has incorporated sustainability into its most fundamental ideals. It is in its DNA. Keeping up with the world. And for that reason Madnum, the first campus to adopt the latest trends in reconciling our professional and personal lives, had to be born here.

Madnum in Figures

With its 90,000 square meters of floor space, Madnum is the most ambitious project in Colonial's history. It is currently under development at number 61 Calle de Méndez Álvaro, a fast growing area of the city that has excellent access to other strategic areas by means of public or private transportation.  However, the truly revolutionary feature of the campus is its layout: 56,000 square meters of prime multipurpose office space, 5,000 square meters of retail space, 6,400 square meters of green space, and 30,000 square meters of housing. All in one complex. All connected to create a joint experience in which the boundaries between the different human activities are blurred.

Madnum for Companies

Companies benefit from this level of integration, which is completely unprecedented in Spain, since it produces an ecosystem in which collaboration, creativity and innovation are greatly enhanced. Surrounding its central square, which will serve as the agora, there will be a community that anticipates the cities of tomorrow: cities that prioritize the needs of the companies and employees, cities that bring together the different human dimensions, cities that embrace the new ways of working and living that a society deeply influenced by millennial values demands. Madnum is Well Being. For all players. The companies that integrate it will have the opportunity to exploit their full potential in a micro-city the likes of which has never been seen before.

Madnum for People

The aim of combining personal and professional lives in one place is to provide solutions for flexibility and balance, and for feedback to employees. As Marieta del Rivero, sociologist and Smart Cities expert, explains in the project's video presentation, “emotional capital must be at the heart of this campus: It's all about purpose, heart and energy.” This is all very important for employees of the 21st century, who see their careers as opportunities for growth, enrichment and personal development. Work must have deeper meaning beyond the most basic sense of survival. And Madnum fosters this with its human-centric approach and its respect for the emotional tendencies of society.

Madnum for the Planet

With its focus on quality of life and productivity, the campus is also a benchmark in terms of environmental standards. In the words of Colonial's business director Albert Alcober, “This is a cutting-edge project with innovative buildings that will combine traditional and flexible spaces through Utopicus, and will focus on sustainability.” All design choices will take into account the need for energy savings, greenhouse gas reduction, and inclusive urban planning. The use of native plants, natural light, and the promotion of outdoor recreation are some of its features. The main objectives for the future are LEED Platinum certification for offices and the BREEAM VERY GOOD rating for housing.

Simply Madnum

The ultimate aim of the campus is very simple, as architect Carlos Lamela of Lamela Arquitectos, who is in charge of Madnum's development, notes: “That people who come by there will say: ‘Hey, you are so lucky to be working here.’ ” In a 100% green environment. In a 100% connected environment. In a 100% human environment. In a 100% technological environment. And above all, a 100% Madrid environment. Its nature and what it aspires to make Madnum one of the boldest urban development projects of the last decade in Spain. And everyone one of the decisions taken to make it possible have considered the social and business reality. All that it is and should be has been taken into account to build a unique complex. The dawn of a new era. A place where everyone will want to work.


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