The importance of design for companies

A company's choice of office space is of major importance to its future. At the end of the day, its design affects the way it functions, the level of labor productivity and, of course, the degree of employee satisfaction. This is something that more and more organizations nowadays are aware of: unlike in past decades, they spend a lot of time thinking about what the ideal workspace for their corporate interests is and have a number of particular design requirements that they carefully consider before deciding. These are the main reasons for this selective meticulousness:

It influences brand image

In an increasingly competitive business marketplace, with more companies offering products and services within the same sectors, all companies must make an effort to differentiate themselves through their brand image. In a sense, in this contemporary world, business personality and values are more important than the products being marketed. And office design has a lot to say here. After all, it has a major influence on the employees' perception of the company. And it should not be forgotten: it is these workers who function as the first line of projection of the brand to the outside world. Their vision of the company is crucial.

Helps attract and retain talent

Business organizations, although they may appear to be interpersonal entities in themselves, are nothing more than the union of people working towards common goals. And the level of training and involvement of those people therefore determines how effective and successful those companies are. The design of offices, their quality, their suitability for a particular company, has an impact on the attraction and retention of that human talent. As is to be expected, the most qualified and in-demand workers, those who have the ability to choose which company to work for, usually prioritize pleasant environments in which they can feel at ease.

It conditions the level of productivity

An office building should reflect the corporate culture of an organization, but it should also enhance productivity within the organization and bring out the best in both individual workers and teams. In this sense, certain design decisions can be key in this regard, such as the inclusion of open workspaces that encourage cooperation, communication and flexibility. Or such as the promotion of natural light or the incorporation of green elements that satisfy the natural biophilia of the people operating in the office. All this has a direct impact on individual satisfaction and consequently on business results.

Impact on workers' health

As we can see, companies have many "selfish" motives for paying attention to office design. However, they also have reasons to take generous care of their employees. An open, integrated, green, bright design makes people feel more relaxed and happier, which leads to a reduction in blood cortisol levels, the stress hormone, which in the long run affects their mental and physical health. Fortunately, more and more companies are prioritizing these issues and adopting a human-centric approach aimed at improving the lives of their employees, both in and outside the work environment.

Produces savings in energy resources

Office design goes far beyond the obvious. It is not just about the arrangement of elements, the orientation of windows and terraces or the presence of plants in the surroundings. It is also about what cannot be seen but has an impact both on the economic expenditure of companies and on environmental health: it is also about sustainability. Thus, office buildings such as Colonial's Diagonal 525, which will have the highest LEED energy efficiency certificate rating in Spain in 2022, are increasingly sought after precisely because of their very high degree of sustainability. Every company wants to be associated with such decisive values.



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