Illacuna: an office building with endless possibilities

Over the last few centuries there has been a very clear boundary between the personal world and the professional world. The first is characterized by personalized comfort, recreation and the promotion of self-development. The second is defined by standardization, the prevalence of rigid rules and the promotion of organizational development. Today, this boundary is gradually blurring. Companies are increasingly aware of the importance of harmonizing both worlds and transferring certain characteristics from one to the other. And our recently remodeled Illacuna office building is a paradigmatic proof of this trend.

After all, it is a project based on people. Studies of positive psychology in the professional sphere demonstrate the importance of individual employee well-being in the success of companies. And this well-being is largely based on the employee feeling that he or she is not interrupting his or her life every day during the hours of the working day. On the contrary, they must experience social participation and the satisfaction of their individual needs at all times. This requires a building that is multipurpose, adaptable, technologically equipped and located in a lively and dynamic environment. A building like Illacuna. The avant-garde office.

Design on demand

Illacuna consists of three different buildings in which two key features predominate: spaciousness, which provides "psychological air" to everyone who occupies them, relieving potential stress and thus optimizing well-being and productivity, and customization. This is because at Illacuna, spaces can be configured on demand to create customized work areas and resting areas. This is a significant advantage for companies, which can adapt the environments to their needs and thus achieve full harmonization of the work and personal worlds of their employees by understanding their needs and desires.

Complementary services

Office buildings were places reduced to work. People went there to think exclusively about work issues for eight or nine hours. As we pointed out earlier, this is changing to a more integrated perspective in which the working day also includes leisure, socializing and relaxation. In this sense, Illacuna has a series of complementary services that increase comfort: private parking area, electric vehicle chargers, snack corners, smart lockers, changing rooms, a private terrace and a lounge area in which to rest. All oriented to maximize the experience, take care of people and enhance the organization.

Prime location

There was a key premise in the creation of a truly comprehensive office building: it had to have an unbeatable location so that workers could harmonize their commitment to the company's objectives with their personal desires for entertainment and enjoyment. This has been achieved with Illacuna, located in the Poblenou technological district, an urban area with green zones, advanced facilities, traditional sites and a magnificent connection to the rest of the city by both public and private transport. Every worker has the opportunity to experience the neighborhood in his or her own way, to feel part of the city despite working hours.

Maximum sustainability

At first glance it may seem that a high degree of sustainability does not reinforce the hybrid character of an office building. After all, it does not necessarily make workers more comfortable. However, it does, as people are increasingly aware of the need to take care of the environment, and the fact that the work environment they come to every day does so strengthens their happiness. This alignment of values has an impact on their personal satisfaction. It makes them feel at home. Illacuna, with its Breeam Very Good and Breeam Exceptional certificates, meets this objective perfectly. It is a building of the future. But in the present.

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