Happiness director: new position in the company’s wellness policy

One of the latest trends to appear in the Wellness policies of European companies is hiring a happiness director. When an employee is happy and satisfied with their work, the company becomes more productive. That is why some companies have created a position called Happiness Director to motivate their employees beyond their salary.

Wellness strategies are not based solely on making gyms or chill out rooms available to employees; it is also about generating healthy habits in the office and therefore, encouraging a reduction in employee absenteeism.

The Happiness Director’s duties include:

  • Creating motivation and stress management programmes to ensure and maintain a positive working environment.
  • Implementing two-way communication and information channels so that employees are informed and participate in the company’s activities.
  • Assessing the emotional well-being of employees and adapting policies and the work culture in the office to generate improved conditions for happiness.

To achieve this, the happiness director encourages two-way communication, carries out surveys, holds meetings, organises various workshop classes and offers activities outside of the office.

Incorporating a Happiness Director into your company can lead to benefits such as a 30% increase in productivity and more optimistic, creative, flexible and, more importantly, happier employees.

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