Employer branding, learn some strategies to ensure the employees’ happiness

These days, when looking for a job there are a lot more factors to be considered in addition to the salary. Questions like the workplace location, schedule flexibility and professional career projection go within the labour mix, to which it has recently been included a new trend: the pursuit of wellness and happiness.

Taking all these circumstances into account, companies, from their HR departments, have been working for a while in what is known as employer branding: the definition of a value proposal that ensures employees’ wellbeing. It is proven that a company that firmly commit to an employer branding policy is able to both to retain its own employees’ talent by making them trust its mission, vision and values, and also to attract future candidates’ talent, which with their professional value will contribute to the economic growth of the company.

In short, the design of a good employer branding strategy increases a company’s benefits. However, not having this kind of internal policy exposes the firm to a high rate of staff departures, which can imply losses from 25% to 200% of the employee’s annual salary.

What is employer branding?

Employer branding comes from the idea to promote a happy, open and healthy work environment in which every employee could securely develop his or her job, boosting all his or her concentration and creativity.

Thus, the first point that must be taken into account to define a good employer branding strategy is the office. Happy offices, for instance, have wide rest and leisure areas, collaborative environments and workspaces filled with natural elements that contribute to reach a wellness feeling.

Furthermore, employer branding also often includes activities within working hours to take care of physical and mental health, such as yoga sessions or mindfulness programmes.

A good employer branding strategy puts the employee at the company’s centre. In the end, there is no one better than the employees themselves to explain how good is to work there.

Happiness is infectious: that’s why companies with better employer branding strategies are those who hire the best professionals.

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