Chamberí’s personality: a unique space to host companies

For many companies, location is a key factor for their business to run efficiently; there is no doubt about it. Although it is true that a few years ago, many companies moved to industrial estates or the outskirts, today we are witnessing a reversal of this trend, marked above all by sustainability. The benefits offered by a central location are multiple, but the most important is the ease of access to the workplace, since traveling by car is avoided.   

Suppose we observe this trend in the framework of the Spanish capital in recent years. In that case, we find a neighborhood that has undergone a profound transformation and has become the most coveted by companies and investors. It is the district of Chamberí.   

Made up of the neighborhoods of Trafalgar, Arapiles, Gaztambide, Almagro, Ríos Rosas, and Valle Hermoso, the place is part of Madrid’s city center. Although in its streets you can still breathe its aristocratic past, today it is an area with all kinds of services.   

Central location and prime services  

At Colonial, we have assets located in the area, such as Miguel Ángel 23. Being in an office building of these characteristics means boasting visibility in one of the best corners of the city and enjoying an unbeatable range of services and means of transport.  

Its chamfered location gives it excellent visibility of the Paseo de la Castellana, the capital’s most emblematic business, where you can network and create new opportunities.  

But not only that, Chamberí is a place that begs to be experienced. It has green areas ideal for walking and relaxing after a long day of work, such as the Santander Park, the Enrique Herrero Gardens, or the Tercer Deposito del Canal Isabel II Leisure and Sports Center.  

There are also numerous leisure areas where you can unwind and take care of yourself: movie theatres, gyms, the Sorolla Museum, and several theaters such as the Teatro del Canal, Teatro de la Abadía, Teatro Galileo, and Teatros Luchanas.   

The neighborhood also brings together in Ponzano Street, Olavide Square and around La Castellana, the best gastronomic offer in the capital with gourmet restaurants, traditional taverns and bars.

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