Cedro, a new generation of corporate spaces

A large part of our day is dedicated to work. Therefore, it is not surprising that the creation of workspaces is no longer just about chairs and desks but is in itself a much more complex design process oriented to the well-being of workers.

This was the case of the Cedro building, located in Arroyo de la Vega, a residential and business district of Madrid, and which in 2020 underwent profound remodeling in order to adapt to the new generation of corporate spaces.

But what does the new generation of corporate spaces imply?

For Cedro, this evolution brought with it three essential factors for the new spaces: modernity, spaciousness and luminosity. All this, of course, using state-of-the-art materials with a maximum degree of sustainability.


All the spaces of the building are designed to be spacious and flexible in order to adapt to the needs of companies, thus having large work areas and densities of up to 1 person for every 8m². In fact, Cedro spaces are so wide that they extend until they become garden areas, terraces and common and service areas, which make up a premeditated habitat for new corporate cultures and ways of working.

Modernity and light

If one thing was clear about Cedro's reform, it was that modernity would be integrated into its architecture and its services, and that was the case:

  • the building has high efficiency LED lighting and low glare rates
  • it counts with the DALI air conditioning and lighting management and control system, which self-regulates through sensors in key areas
  • optimizes energy consumption thanks to a state-of-the-art control system.

In addition, as soon as you enter the new Cedro building, an atrium with a huge skylight and an interior garden with incomparable light appear, both providing a unique differential touch to the construction.


As one of the main objectives of Colonial as a company, the renovation of Cedro has been focused on meeting the highest standards of sustainability and well-being, through:

  • an innovative polarization system
  • control of the conditions and air quality, which facilitate ventilation 30% above RITE requirements
  • water saving thanks to low consumption toilets
  • healthy spaces free of VOCs and polluting particles

All these benefits in terms of sustainability have made it worthy of the Leed Gold certification and the Breeam certification.

Without a doubt, in the 17,438 m2 of total area of ​​Cedro there is no room for monotony. At Cedro the possibilities are endless, and constant inspiration and new experiences guaranteed.

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