Carbon footprint: a priority for responsible companies

In recent decades, after many years of denial, society as a whole has accepted a reality that is now undeniable from a scientific standpoint: human activity is intensifying global warming and, in doing so, compromising the health of natural and urban ecosystems. Thus, all social agents must work to remedy this situation through measures that reduce their carbon footprint.

What exactly is the carbon footprint?

The carbon footprint is a measure of the impact of human activities on the environment in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted into the atmosphere, including methane, carbon dioxide, and nitrous oxide. Generally expressed in tons, the carbon footprint consists of at least three distinct components, with direct emissions being the main one. These come from sources owned by the company in question, such as its vehicles or boilers.

In addition to this, there are indirect emissions from energy consumption, as the production of energy is often associated with GHG emissions, especially when fossil fuels or other environmentally unsustainable sources are used. In this regard, the use of renewable energy sources such as photovoltaic panels is a very effective strategy to reduce a company's carbon footprint. This is something enjoyed by organizations operating from Colonial buildings.

Lastly, there are those indirect emissions that are not under the direct control of the company, such as those from the supply chain, business travel, or the use of sold products. In this case, reducing the carbon footprint is more complicated, but in companies like Colonial, where this is a priority, we address it through the careful selection of our external partners, ensuring that they all meet the highest sustainability standards.


What do carbon footprint regulations say?

The regulatory framework, both national and community-wide, for greenhouse gas emissions has grown significantly in recent times, following the realization of the consequences if global warming exceeds the dreaded 1.5º C.

Among the current regulations is the Climate Change and Energy Transition Law (LCCTE) of 2021, which aims to reduce GHG emissions by at least 23% from 1990 levels through a series of concrete measures. Also, the National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan (PNIEC), which details different strategies to prioritize renewable energies and achieve greater energy efficiency, all with the aim of steering the country's activities towards decarbonization.

Outside our borders, but mandatory as part of the European Union, there are two regulations that affect organizations based in Spain: the European Union Emissions Trading System, which sets a maximum limit on GHG emissions for certain industrial sectors and allows for the buying and selling of emission rights, and the Effort Sharing Regulation, similar to the former but focused on sectors such as transport and agriculture.


Beyond the Planet

The monitoring and reduction of the carbon footprint primarily aim at mitigating climate change, but they also provide other very relevant additional benefits. On the one hand, the protection of public health, as greenhouse gases increase the prevalence of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases. On the other hand, the promotion of innovation and business competitiveness, as it enables companies to adapt to a market that increasingly values sustainability.

Colonial, one of the leading companies in sustainable office building management, facilitates this national and international competitiveness for companies, thanks to a series of measures that minimize the carbon footprint of both the construction and rehabilitation of its buildings and their operational phase. Soon, in the second part of this section, we will break down every detail of our Sustainability Strategy, which will take our ecological commitments even further.

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