The benefits of having it all in one place: Sant Cugat Nord

One of the greatest achievements of 19th century secular humanism was to put people at the center of the social experience: their wellbeing, their development, their prosperity placed above all common causes in different areas. From their own professional growth at the office to the personal care of their bodies at the gym, the pursuit of socialization in recreational activities or the satisfaction of their biophilia through contact with green areas. To improve people's wellbeing, the 21st century office must encourage all of these.

This is exactly what happens at one of our properties in Barcelona: the Sant Cugat Nord office park, located in the Barcelona metropolitan area. This is a complex of more than 27,000 square meters in which people can meet many of their day-to-day needs, thus making more efficient use of their time and not wasting it moving from one place to another. It also represents a total commitment to sustainability: less traffic, fewer emissions of greenhouse gases, and more ethical satisfaction.
Sant Cugat Nord is an example of a holistic space designed to care for people.

A Work Space

The development of the Sant Cugat Nord offices was based on the four fundamental pillars of colonial culture: corporate versatility with modular spaces and furniture, a human-centric approach that prioritizes individual satisfaction on the job, a commitment to the latest technologies, and a tireless pursuit of energy efficiency, as their BREEAM Excellent and BREEAM Outstanding ratings indicate. Moreover, the lines of this design remain understated and elegant at all times, making them ideal offices for brands with a strong corporate identity and sophisticated business culture. Finally, they are easily accessible from the freeway and the Catalan government railway network (Ferrocarrils de la Generalitat de Catalunya).

A Natural Space

Several times on our blog we have mentioned biophilia, the innate desire of human beings to bond with nature, and how offices can fulfill that desire. Sant Cugat Nord goes much further, however: Not only are biophilic elements built into the office interiors but the entire complex is surrounded by vast green areas that include a Butterfly Reserve, 41 varieties of native Mediterranean plants, a 20 square meter green wall with key species in the habitat, and even local fauna. Nature is not just there at Sant Cugat Nord. It is part of it. And that transforms the life experience of its occupants.

A Space to Care for the Body

Philosophical movements such as the Asian practice of mindfulness have strongly influenced Western culture over the last decade. And one of its fundamental premises, supported by modern science, is the connection between mind and body. They form a whole. An indivisible unit.  Hence the importance of caring for the body to protect mental health, foster creativity and boost productivity. In short, to keep cognitive function at full capacity. What do the Sant Cugat Nord facilities offer in this regard? Several padel courts and a fitness room for aerobic training and weight training.

A Recreational Space

One of the main problems of the modern business world is the minimization of the lunch break. A period that used to be recreational, easy going and social has slowly become a formality to be completed in the least time possible. To counter this trend, the Sant Cugat Nord office park has the Meetropolitan Restaurant, where employees can enjoy traditional cuisine, as well as vegetarian and even cosmopolitan dishes. It also has Le Bistró, an enclosed space for meetings where more privacy is required, and sofas to relax on.

Minimizing distances. Reducing the impact of human activity on the planet. Bringing people closer to their goals. Everyone. That is the aim of Sant Cugat Nord, a humanist office that treats employees as complex beings and propels them forward every day. If you want to know more about it, visit our website.

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