After-work rooftop drinks

After-work drinks somewhere close to the office are a great way to chat and unwind with colleagues after a hard day’s work. Unlike in other countries where Thursday marks the moment when after-work drinks become acceptable, in Spain it has become an almost religious practice that can take place any day of the week, all year round.  Its growing popularity, however, can make it difficult to find a table for large groups of people, especially when everyone wants to sit on a terrace, the quintessential setting for after-work drinks in Spain.  For this reason, working in an office with its own private terrace is a great plus point.

Below are some of our assets in Madrid with private terraces, from where users can enjoy the finest views of the capital:

  • 86d Velázquez: The roof terrace of  86d Velázquez offers exceptional views of the Salamanca neighborhood. What’s more, the versatile, adaptable space, which is a wonderful blend of nature and all things urban, is already equipped for perfect after-work drinks thanks to its Sky Bar.
  • ​​​​​​Ortega y Gasset 100: José Ortega y Gasset said that ‘one can only progress when they think big’, and the panoramic terrace of Ortega y Gasset 100 is the perfect place to do just that. Located on the building’s rooftop, the large terrace furnished with a variety of plants gives users the opportunity to appreciate Madrid’s impressive skyline.
  • Miguel Ángel 23: The rooftop of Miguel Ángel 23 offers incredible views of the Chamberí neighborhood. The roof terrace also has a dual function since it houses the glass pergolas featuring solar panels which provide the building with an energy solution that consumes virtually no energy.
  •  The Discovery Building: this property has a large garden terrace for communal use and a relaxation area and was designed to enhance the experience and enjoyment of users.

Barcelona, however, is not far behind.  Properties such as Ciutat de Granada, 150 and Diagonal 532 also boast terraces where you can enjoy the wonderful climate that the city offers.

Roof terraces are a great place to enjoy the now firmly-established tradition of after-work drinks but also to hold informal meetings or exclusive events for both employees and clients, and to improve interpersonal relationships and foster a positive working culture.

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