Portfolio Barcelona

Gal·la Placídia

Zona Diagonal | CBD | Plaça de Gal·la Placídia, 1, 3 | Total surface above grade: 4.312 m²


The Gal·la Placídia Building is located a few meters from the confluence of Vía Augusta and Avda. Diagonal, on a corner with very good visibility, in an area of intense commercial activity and excellent communication. It is an emblematic building of more than 4,000 m2 and a ground floor of 277 m2, it also has an original 854 m2 terrace and its own parking.

This property fully houses the Utopicus flexible workspace, designed by Proyecto Singular, wich includes meeting rooms, private offices, event spaces and Working Pass workstations.

Visit Utopicus Gala

General characteristics

Total surface above grade

4.312 m²

Floors above ground level


Parking spaces

13 cars and 3 motos


It is located at the confluence of Plaza Gala Placídia with Vía Augusta, in the Barrio de Gracia of Barcelona, an area with a lot of commercial and economic activity, and very well connected with public transport as well as the main arteries of the city such as Vía Augusta and Avda. Diagonal.


24 D40


Fontana: Metro L3


Gracia: L6 y L7

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