Miriam González-Amézqueta López


Dates of appointment and re-election as director of Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI S.A.: June 15, 2023.

She holds a double degree in Law and Economics and Business Studies (E-3) from Comillas Pontifical University (ICADE). 
Ms Miriam González-Amézqueta embarked on her professional career in 1989 as a financial analyst for Santander Investment S.V.B (BSN), where she stayed until 2000. Following the merger between BSN and BCH, she was equities manager at the resulting brokerage company. 

Between 2000 and 2008 she was managing director at Lehman Brothers International Europe and, after that, managing director at Lehman Brothers Plc. Branch in Spain. In addition, and among other roles, she was equities manager for the Spanish and Portuguese offices. She was also a member of the European Equities Executive Committee, the Management Committee of Iberia, the Integration and Diversity Committee in London, the European Selection and Recruitment Team, and the "Lehman Faculty", speaking at internal courses held in London and New York, and chairwoman of the Southern Europe Integration and Diversity Committee. Between 2008 and 2011, following Nomura International Europe's acquisition of Lehman Brothers, she was Managing Director Head of Equities in Spain for European, American and Asian shares. 

During 2012, she completed the Digital Business Executive Programme at ISDI. 

In 2013 she founded Alamir Servicios Financieros, of which she is a shareholder, to invest in start-ups, mainly Fintech companies, with the strategy of being actively involved in their management and subsequent development at a global level. 
Currently Ms Miriam González-Amézqueta has been an independent Director on the Boards of Deutsche Bank S.A.E. and the MIO Group since February 2017 and June 2021 respectively, and of NH Hotel Group since June 2023. At Deutsche Bank S.A.E., she also chairs the Risk and Remuneration Committees and is a member of the Audit and Appointments Committees. She also chairs the Audit Committee and the Remuneration and Appointments Committee of the MIO Group. Finally, she is also Chair of the Audit and Control Committee of NH Hotel Group.

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