Juan José Brugera Clavero



Dates of appointment and re-election as director of Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI S.A.: June 19, 2008, June 27, 2008, June 30, 2014, May 24, 2018 and June 21, 2022.

Chairman of Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI, S.A. since 2008, and previously held the position of CEO from 1994 to 2006. He was Chairman of SFL between 2010 and April 2022.

Previously he was Chief Executive Officer of Mutua Madrileña, CEO of SindiBank and Deputy General Manager of Banco de Sabadell. 

Other positions: He has been Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Universidad Ramón Llull (URL); Chairman of the ESADE Foundation, Panrico, Holditex and the Círculo de Economía in Barcelona, and director of El Periódico de Catalunya. 

He is an Industrial Technical Engineer and holds an MBA from ESADE. PDG from IESE and Honorary Doctorate from the University of Rhode Island

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