Elena Salgado Méndez

Colonial Director since 2024

Dates of appointment and re-election as director of Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI S.A.: June 12, 2024.

She holds a degree in Industrial Engineering specialising in Energy Techniques and Industrial Organisation, as well as a degree in Economics specialising in Economic Structure, and an MBA from EOI Business School.

She has held a variety of positions in the public sector, including Director-General of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (1985 to 1991), Secretary of State for Communications in the Ministry of Public Works (1991 to 1996), Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs (2004 to 2007), Minister of Public Administrations (2007 to 2009), Member of the Spanish Parliament for Cantabria (2008 to 2011), and Vice President of the Government and Minister of Economy and Finance (2009 to 2011). She has also been Managing Director of Lenzi Consulting (1997 to 2004) and Chair of the Spanish Association of Consulting Companies (2016 to 2023). She has also been a member of the Boards of Directors of several companies, including Hispasat, Hunosa, Renfe, Abertis Telecom and Telefónica, among others.

She currently sits on the Board of Directors of Saba Infraestructuras, S.A. and is President of the Abertis Foundation.

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