Carmina Ganyet i Cirera


Chief Corporate Officer

Member of the Board of Directors of Colonial since July 2000, a committee she joined as Chief Financial Officer.

Graduated in Economics and Business Administration from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona with postgraduate studies at ESADE.

She began her professional career at the auditing firm Arthur Andersen in Barcelona, specializing in auditing the financial sector. In 1995, she joined the "la Caixa" group (now CaixaBank) as Director of Investments, Management Control of the Financial, Real Estate, and Insurance Group of Caixa Holding (now Criteria). In 2000, she was appointed Director of the Operational and Financial Area of Colonial. In January 2009, she assumed the role of Corporate General Director of Colonial and is a member of the Board of Directors of SFL.

Currently, she holds the position of Corporate General Director at Colonial since January 2009, Director of SFL, and Independent Director at Repsol, S.A. and a member of its Executive Committee. She has been an Independent Director of the Institut Català de Finances (ICF) and an Independent Director and member of the Audit Committee of Segurcaixa-Adeslas.

Additionally, she has teaching experience as a professor at the Universitat Ramon Llull in the Faculty of Business Administration, is a member of the Board of Directors of the Círculo de Economía, founder of l’Espai Vicens Vives, member of the Advisory Council for Diversity of Caixabank, Director of Fira 2000, President of the Esade Alumni Real Estate Club, and member of the Executive Committee of Barcelona Global.

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