Begoña Muñoz López


Chief Human Resources and General Services

Member of the Colonial Management Committee since May 2018 as Director of Human Resources and General Services.

Member of the Colonial Management Committee since May 2018 as Director of People and Culture.

Graduated in Law from UCM, Master in Marketing Management and Commercial Management, GESCO XXXV from Esic, "Digital Business Executive Program" from ISDI. Mentor and Executive Coach certified by EEC and ICF.

Begoña Muñoz has over twenty years of experience in Human Resources Management in international environments. Fourteen of them in the FMCG sector (Coty, Syp-Consum EROSKI) and six in the industrial sector, with her previous position before joining Colonial being at Sugar ABSugar (ABF, Associated British Food).

Since 2016, she has sporadically collaborated with ESADE in various teaching programs related to people and their development within organizations.

Her area of expertise is the development and implementation of Human Resources strategies and organizational design, based on business transformation through cultural change, organizational redesign, and effective programs for human capital development and sustainable leadership.


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