Ana Peralta Moreno

Colonial Director since 2019.

Dates of appointment and re-election as director of Inmobiliaria Colonial, SOCIMI S.A.: June 14, 2019, June 15, 2023.

Ms Ana Peralta is currently an independent Director of BBVA and Grenergy Renovables, S.A.

She has extensive experience in the financial sector. She began her professional career with Bankinter in 1990, where she worked in extremely different areas until late 2008. She headed up Bankinter’s first Internet Office and ran the Chairman’s Office. During her last years at the bank, she was Chief Risk Officer and a member of the Management Committee.

From 2009 to 2012 she sat on the Management Committee at Banco Pastor, where she worked as General Manager of Risk.
From 2012 to 2018 Ms Ana Peralta divided her time between a post as Senior Advisor with Oliver Wyman Financial Services and was a member of several boards of directors. She was an independent director at Banco Etcheverría, at Deutsche Bank, SAE and also at Lar Holding Residencial.

She holds a degree in Economics and Business Administration from the Madrid Complutense University and a Master’s Degree in Financial Management from CEF (1991), and studied the PMD Programme (Program for Management Development) at Harvard Business School (2002) and the PADE programme at the IESE business school (2016).

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