Albert Alcober Teixido


Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Member of the Colonial Steering Committee.

Member of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Utopicus

Member of the Board of Directors of the A.E.O.

Diploma in Marketing, Management and Business Administration from the Higher School of Marketing and Business Administration (ESMA) of Barcelona. Postgraduate in advertising. Member of the EPRA Sustainability Committee and the Board of Directors of the AEO. Since 2022 he has been a member of the Board of Directors of Proworkspaces

He began his professional career at CB Richard Ellis, remaining with the firm from 1990 to 1993 as a senior consultant. Subsequently, he joined BP Oil as Director of Investments, Development, and Heritage, where he remained from 1993 to 1996. He joined Colonial in 1996 as Commercial Director of the heritage area. Since January 2009, he has assumed the Management of Colonial's Business, a position he currently holds. Since 2021, he has been the CEO of Utopicus.

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