Your company does need an office

The incorporation of Millennials into the work force, the digitalisation of companies and the flexibility offered are redefining the concept of work that we have shared until now. The use of technology in the office helps us to carry out our work from any part of the world without the need for a common physical space.

Teleworking and personal and professional life conciliation are transforming traditional offices. Contrary to opinion that offices will disappear, at Colonial we believe that the success of the offices of the future will reside in the coexistence between teleworking and the need for a physical office.

Here are four reasons why your company does need an office to develop its activities:

The office speaks for your company

The office is another element in the company's discourse and identity. The design of the workspace also helps to transmit the company’s values. The choice of a good location and the interior design are just as important as having a sustainable office. Distribution of the workspace defines the company’s philosophy, hence the existence of world rankings that reward the best offices in the world.

The need for a physical space to meet with clients

Internal and external meetings are a daily occurrence for any company. Having a private room where you can hold meetings and common workspaces facilitates the company’s activities. A physical space is also needed to store documentation relevant to the company’s activity.

The office promotes teamwork and encourages innovation

Having an office facilitates teamwork, the feeling of belonging to the company and the retention of internal talent. Thanks to the relationships between employees and the creation of areas that encourage creative thinking, innovative ideas can emerge that favour the company. In addition, in an office there are more opportunities for networking and expanding the network of contacts and knowledge.

Teleworking could be a threat to rest

Smartphones make work tasks much easier, but in many cases it is a way of communicating with employees when they are out of the office. What are the limits to teleworking? Sometimes, this work model blurs the boundaries between personal and professional life and instead of facilitating the work-life balance, it harms it.

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