Working surrounded by nature? Yes, it is possible in Sant Cugat Nord

It has been proven that biophilic office design improves productivity and creativity. According to data from the Humas Spaces study, the sense of well-being increases by 15% if the workplace replicates or integrates with nature.

Modern offices are following this trend, incorporating furniture made from natural woods, recycled materials and plants in workspaces. There is also an increasing use of vertical gardens, landscaped terraces, vegetable gardens and fountains.  The aim behind these actions is to improve wellness and user satisfaction.

But what would happen if instead of bringing nature into offices, they were surrounded by it? Although it's not so common, it can provide a different work experience, taking users away from their daily routines.

Connecting with nature

The Sant Cugat Nord offices are located in the north of the Barcelona metropolitan area, a modern and elegant complex surrounded by an extensive green area.

The Sant Cugat Nord building is an example of Colonial's commitment to the environment and sustainability: it has a Butterfly Reserve, which provides food and a sustainable habitat for the different species.

In particular, it houses 41 species of native Mediterranean plants that attract and feed around 25 different types of butterflies, helping them to complete their life cycle.  But the commitment to protect the local flora and fauna goes even further: around the building have been distributed different elements wich create a perfect natural refuge. For example, on the exterior façade there is a 20m² green wall with key species for the surrounding habitats.

Inside the building there are other elements: 40 flowerpots with purifying plants that improve the quality of the air we breathe.

Highest standard of sustainability

Sant Cugat Nord holds two BREEAM certifications: Breeam Part I Excellent and Breeam Part II Outstanding. The three buildings of this complex have included a facility management system through the Building Management System, which helps to reduce energy costs. These seals confirm Colonial's commitment to the sustainable construction.

Corporate Wellness

Nowadays, the modern employee takes into account the qualities of his workplace, but also its surroundings: in other words, he wants to feel comfortable in the place where he will spend most of his time.

That's why this office building offers users the best facilities for their well-being: it has more than 27,000 m² with paddle tennis courts, fitness room, restaurant service and car park.


This kind of asset typology surrounded by nature invites us to reflect on the importance of getting away from the frenetic rhythm of the big city from time to time. Connecting with nature will be a key factor in the offices search.

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