The Window Building, final completion in September and pre-let operations on the rise

The new prime office building of Colonial in Madrid, The Window Building, is in the final phase of construction with the completion of the work expected in September. Located on Principe de Vergara 112, it has already reached an occupancy rate of 80%, including signed areas and those in the process to be signed in the following summer weeks.

Among the next users of the building, it stands out the coworking firm Utopicus, that will offer a collaborative workspace on the building’s ground floor, first and second floor, occupying more than 3.800 sq m. Also, the Digital Advertising firm Fibonad will settle on the third floor occupying 1,504 sq m.

Thus, The Window Building becomes the first office building in Madrid’s CBD area where, in the same building, will be possible to find flexible workspaces and traditional offices. This circumstance will foster an interesting cohabitation between flexible workspaces ─and the services that they usually offer─ and conventional office spaces.

To support The Window Building entire communication strategy, there has been developed a website that includes all the relevant information about it, like its main features or the commercial video, and it also acts as a potential client lead acquisition platform.

During the building construction and until its completion, a time-lapse video is being recorded to reflect the progression of the work, and it also allows to value the space transformation.

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