Why choose the 22@ district for your company?

22@ was born as an area dedicated to technological progress, hence this area in Barcelona is also known as the “innovation district”. Hundreds of companies are succumbing to the charms and opportunities offered by this district that has placed Barcelona as a benchmark in the international economy.

In recent years the urban and architectural character of the 22@ district has been adapting to the needs of the companies setting up their head offices in this area, and of course to the needs of the tenants.

One of the features of the 22 @ district’s innovation character is integration of the employees in the growth strategy. Retention of talent by means of the offices is pursued by offering great communication and incessant development, and ultimately, offering satisfaction and development to the employee in order to reinforce their well-being in the company.


Colonial has recently joined in this prime district with a project consisting of the construction of the largest new office building in Barcelona. It is a building whose characteristics allow it to adjust itself to the requirements of demand and satisfy the needs ofthe tenants.

40% of this new building is already pre-rented, a figure that underlines the interest of companies in 22@ and especially, the buildings offered by Colonial.

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