What is a LEED certificate?

Renting an office that endorses sustainability has become one of the keys issues when finding the ideal location for a company. Being located in an environmentally friendly building, which has systems to save water or has been built with sustainable materials are just two of the aspects that companies take into account when renting an office.

Since 1989, knowing if your building is sustainable has been easier with the LEED certificate, which accredits all buildings in the world that respect the environment.

The LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) certificate is the recognition that the US Green Building Council (USGBC) awards to buildings that adapt to a sustainable design and energy efficiency. The objective of the certificate is none other than to reward buildings that show their commitment to sustainability, energy efficiency and those that have a low environmental impact.

What must a building have to obtain the LEED certificate?

Every building that wants to obtain the LEED certificate will be evaluated based on six criteria:

  1. Efficient water use,
  2. Materials used to construct the building,
  3. Sustainability,
  4. Quality of the interior and exterior environment,
  5. Innovation and design process followed to construct the building.

The USGBC explains that sustainable office buildings that have been awarded the LEED certification improve the quality of life and productivity of companies: “with LEED, a building reduces its energy use by 30%-70%, water by 30%-50%, waste costs by 50%-80% and CO2 emissions by 35%.”


How many LEED certificates are there?

The projects that pursue a LEED certificate win points in various areas that address sustainability. Based on the number of points obtained, a project will receive one of the four LEED certification levels: Certified, Silver, Gold and Platinum.

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