What are Smart Cities?

By 2050, it is expected that 85% of the world's population will live in cities, which will be a challenge in terms of energy supply and reductions in CO2 emissions. One solution proposed was the concept of “Smart Cities”.

These Intelligent and Efficient Cities seek to take care of the environment and all things related to sustainability. Tokyo, Singapore, Amsterdam and Barcelona are good examples of what Smart Cities are becoming.

These cities are committed to using ecological urban transport, using renewable energy and planning and constructing more sustainable buildings. Smart Cities also manage waste more efficiently, reduce household consumption, organise better vehicle traffic and optimise energy consumption.

For some years, sustainability has become increasingly important in the real estate sector. The demand for buildings that respect the environment is growing exponentially.

At Colonial we work to make sustainable buildings a reality. We are committed to eco-efficient buildings that require less consumption of resources and reduce CO2 and water emissions. As a result of our efforts, 38% of our buildings have obtained a Very Good rating and the remaining 62% have achieved a Good rating under the Breeam certification.

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