Wellness reaches offices


Wellness in the office is becoming more and more of a priority for businesses. Not surprisingly, eight in every ten employees recognise that, within the next ten years, the fact that a company has a good wellness programme will be crucial to them staying or opting to work for another company, according to the latest reports from CBRE.

Nowadays we spend almost more hours in the office than at home; that is why, at Colonial we point out some trends in the sector that are easy to implement in any office and that will make working hours in the office more comfortable.


Flexible working hours

We are becoming more and more aware of conciliation. And companies are slowly responding to this situation. Working from home one day a week, adapting starting and finishing times for those with children and shortening lunch breaks are some of the actions that are being implemented.
Ultimately, the important thing is to look at the case of each worker and adapt their working hours to make them feel comfortable and perform well during their hours in the office.

Modular spaces

In addition to diaphanous spaces, it is important that they can be adapted to the needs of employees. Therefore, more and more companies opt for movable furniture and flexible spaces to optimise the available square metres.

Rest areas

Nowadays it is almost essential to have areas dedicated to rest in the current offices. Sometimes it is good to disconnect in order to perform 100% at work.

Ergonomic furniture

It is also very important to have the right furniture. Large work tables with movable drawers and fully adjustable chairs are indispensable to feel comfortable at work.

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