Virtual tour: a way to achieve an online sensory experience

Virtual tours have been a growing trend in the real estate sector in the last few years, as they allow you to visit the building from your computer without having to travel and with no first contact. In other words: you can see in one glance if that office for rent fits for your company.

The advance of technology and the different types of instant messaging-all social networks have a direct conversational channel-have gradually made us more reluctant to have a first direct contact: making a call or going to the place where the building is located is something that brings up more 'mental barriers'.

We have seen during the 2020 lockdown that jobs have looked at the online sector and although we know that before renting an office it is important to visit it and weigh up the decision, a virtual tour makes it easier to get this first contact.

The other side of the coin: the inspirational factor

It is also possible to visit offices or buildings for inspiration and for pleasure, so you can see their interior in detail (something that is not always possible in real life).

Premium buildings such as 86d Velázquez have a virtual tour that allows you to see its facilities - the lobby, its interior garden, office floor and terrace -and this is a unique experience for everyone.

As technology advances, so do these virtual tours: both the flow of the tour and the quality of the images and perspective are improved.

Colonial has several properties that can be visited online: Ribera del Loira 28, Ortega y Gasset, 100 ,Cedro, Miguel Ángel 23 y 86d Velazquéz.

At a time when added value is necessary for any type of transaction, adding elements such as a tour on a building's website makes the entire search and rental process a sensory experience.


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