The Sant Cugat Nord office complex inaugurates a new restaurant concept

Today, the Mayoress of Sant Cugat del Vallès, Mercè Conesa, inaugurated the Meetropolitanrestaurant, located in Colonial’s “Sant Cugat Nord” office complex, in the “Can Sant Joan” business park in the same town. The Mayoress was accompanied by the Trade Councillor, Mayte Pérez, and Deputy Mayoress of Enterprise, Joana Barbany.

“Meetropolitan” is a new model of catering for companies that aim to offer a wide variety of food organised into themed corners with different gastronomic proposals: from traditional cooking to more cosmopolitan dishes, vegetarian, healthy, street food and takeaway options for those that don’t have much time. It is envisaged that every day, customers enjoy breakfast, lunch or a coffee in the “Meetropolitan”, close to where 1,000 people work in the companies situated in the “Sant Cugat Nord” office complex.


The establishment also has Le Bistró, an enclosed space with a-la-carte table service, for meetings or moments that require more privacy and calmness. This space also has a sofa area in order to relax and disconnect during breaks.

Colonial’s commitment to the users of its offices, together with the commitment to innovation from Serunión, a leading company in collective catering, create the perfect tandem in the commitment to renovating the offices’ services.

The evolution of the office market has led to the emergence of a new product that is adapted to the sector’s trends. The offer of modern, current spaces and with services that respond to demand is the key to the success of Colonial’s strategy.

The creation of these new formats respond to the tastes of society and offer a quality service with a better experience for the customer.

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